
Lv1学徒 竜Slayerー베로니카 (离线 2024-11-28)

Power: 323718

Job: Taoist

Alliance: 普通玩家 - HOF

Region: ASIA1

Server: ASIA011

Clan: ArKs END丨风暴

Home: INMENA022

Merit: 12

Battle days: 69

Battle days rank: 6406

Alliance merit rank: 6906

Alliance power rank: 2905

Total power rank: 4996

Job power rank: 1043

Server stay records

Name Region Server Status Clan Stay time Merit gained Date
竜Slayerー베로니카 ASIA1 ASIA011 激战 ArKs END丨风暴 1 12.0 2024-11-27
竜Slayerー베로니카 INMENA1 INMENA022 血战 Usdt丶縱橫 42 0.0 2024-10-16
竜Slayerー베로니카 INMENA1 INMENA011 血战 End of Days 15 0.0 2024-10-01
竜Slayerー베로니카 INMENA1 INMENA022 血战 Usdt丶臧刀 5 0.0 2024-09-26
竜Slayerー베로니카 ASIA2 ASIA054 和平 TSUNAMI JP 20 0.0 2024-09-06
竜Slayerー베로니카 ASIA3 ASIA331 战争 沙漠绿洲 5 0.0 2024-09-01
竜Slayerー베로니카 ASIA2 ASIA054 和平 TSUNAMI JP 6 0.0 2024-08-26
竜Slayerー베로니카 ASIA1 ASIA042 激战 名门 合VERBEQUE 1 0.0 2024-08-25

Status records

Name Power Old Server Old Clan New Server New Clan Change type Date
竜Slayerー베로니카 323718 ASIA011 ArKs END丨风暴 None None Quit 2024-11-28
竜Slayerー베로니카 323718 INMENA022 Usdt丶臧刀 ASIA011 ArKs END丨风暴 Server Transfer 2024-11-27
竜Slayerー베로니카 306723 INMENA022 Usdt丶縱橫 INMENA022 Usdt丶臧刀 Clan Changed 2024-11-02
竜Slayerー베로니카 31208 INMENA011 End of Days INMENA022 Usdt丶縱橫 Server Transfer 2024-10-16
竜Slayerー베로니카 309765 INMENA022 Usdt丶臧刀 INMENA011 End of Days Server Transfer 2024-10-01
竜Slayerー베로니카 306062 ASIA054 TSUNAMI JP INMENA022 Usdt丶臧刀 Server Transfer 2024-09-26
竜Slayerー베로니카 310762 ASIA331 沙漠绿洲 ASIA054 TSUNAMI JP Server Transfer 2024-09-06
竜Slayerー베로니카 309415 ASIA054 TSUNAMI JP ASIA331 沙漠绿洲 Server Transfer 2024-09-01
竜Slayerー베로니카 308637 ASIA042 名门 合VERBEQUE ASIA054 TSUNAMI JP Server Transfer 2024-08-26
竜Slayerー베로니카 308637 - - ASIA042 名门 合VERBEQUE new 2024-08-25