
Inmemorial (在线)

Power: 271670

Job: Warrior

Alliance: None

Region: SA2

Server: SA083


Home: None

Merit: None

Battle days: None

Battle days rank: None

Alliance merit rank: None

Alliance power rank: None

Total power rank: 16315

Job power rank: 2210

Server stay records

Name Region Server Status Clan Stay time Merit gained Date
Inmemorial SA2 SA083 和平 NORSEGODS 274 0.0 2024-04-10

Status records

Name Power Old Server Old Clan New Server New Clan Change type Date
Inmemorial 263048 SA083 The Lyons I SA083 NORSEGODS Clan Changed 2024-12-06
Inmemorial 234493 SA083 U N 1 T Y SA083 The Lyons I Clan Changed 2024-10-23
Inmemorial 241145 SA083 NORSEGODS SA083 U N 1 T Y Clan Changed 2024-09-29
Inmemorial 0 SA083 Insanity 광기 SA083 NORSEGODS Clan Changed 2024-04-12
Inmemorial 0 SA083 NORSEGODS SA083 Insanity 광기 Clan Changed 2024-04-11
Inmemorial 0 - - SA083 NORSEGODS new 2024-04-10