
Nilsurius (离线 2025-01-03)

Power: 220509

Job: Lancer

Alliance: None

Region: SA2

Server: SA061

Clan: The Forge 叛

Home: None

Merit: None

Battle days: None

Battle days rank: None

Alliance merit rank: None

Alliance power rank: None

Total power rank: 44900

Job power rank: 5213

Server stay records

Name Region Server Status Clan Stay time Merit gained Date
Nilsurius SA2 SA061 和平 The Forge 叛 1 0.0 2025-01-02
Nilsurius SA2 SA061 和平 The Forge 叛 0 0.0 2024-12-31
Nilsurius SA2 SA061 和平 The Forge 叛 2 0.0 2024-12-31
Nilsurius SA2 SA061 和平 RainFury 281 0.0 2024-03-25

Status records

Name Power Old Server Old Clan New Server New Clan Change type Date
Nilsurius 220498 SA061 The Forge 叛 None None Quit 2025-01-03
Nilsurius 220498 None None SA061 The Forge 叛 new 2025-01-02
Nilsurius 220509 SA061 The Forge 叛 None None Quit 2025-01-01
Nilsurius 220509 None None SA061 The Forge 叛 new 2024-12-31
Nilsurius 220509 None None SA061 The Forge 叛 new 2024-12-31
Nilsurius 218967 SA061 The Forge 叛 None None Quit 2024-12-07
Nilsurius 218967 SA061 Xx UNITED xX SA061 The Forge 叛 Clan Changed 2024-12-06
Nilsurius 0 SA061 RainFury SA061 Xx UNITED xX Clan Changed 2024-07-28
Nilsurius 0 SA061 Xx UNITED xX SA061 RainFury Clan Changed 2024-06-26
Nilsurius 0 SA061 RainFury SA061 Xx UNITED xX Clan Changed 2024-06-06
Nilsurius 0 SA061 UnitedTeamᅠ SA061 RainFury Clan Changed 2024-04-01
Nilsurius 0 SA061 RainFury SA061 UnitedTeamᅠ Clan Changed 2024-03-26
Nilsurius 0 - - SA061 RainFury new 2024-03-25