
afex (在线)

Power: 236755

Job: Lancer

Alliance: None

Region: ASIA2

Server: ASIA062

Clan: ⒾⓌⒶⒼⓄツ

Home: None

Merit: None

Battle days: None

Battle days rank: None

Alliance merit rank: None

Alliance power rank: None

Total power rank: 38192

Job power rank: 4401

Server stay records

Name Region Server Status Clan Stay time Merit gained Date
afex ASIA2 ASIA062 和平 ⒾⓌⒶⒼⓄツ 0 0.0 2024-12-28
afex ASIA2 ASIA062 和平 ⒾⓌⒶⒼⓄツ 2 0.0 2024-12-26

Status records

Name Power Old Server Old Clan New Server New Clan Change type Date
afex 236755 None None ASIA062 ⒾⓌⒶⒼⓄツ Server Transfer 2024-12-28
afex 236741 ASIA062 ⒾⓌⒶⒼⓄツ None None Quit 2024-12-27
afex 236741 None None ASIA062 ⒾⓌⒶⒼⓄツ Server Transfer 2024-12-26
afex 234660 ASIA062 Ж万境ÇGXenoЖ None None Quit 2024-12-17
afex 0 ASIA062 AllxMightxPH ASIA062 Ж万境ÇGXenoЖ Clan Changed 2024-07-14
afex 0 ASIA062 Ж万境ÇGXenoЖ ASIA062 AllxMightxPH Clan Changed 2024-07-06
afex 0 ASIA062 Ben10G ASIA062 Ж万境ÇGXenoЖ Clan Changed 2024-06-25
afex 0 ASIA062 - ASIA062 Ben10G Clan Changed 2024-06-23
afex 0 ASIA062 THE F10 ASIA062 - Clan Changed 2024-06-22
afex 0 ASIA062 沧澜殿三会 ASIA062 THE F10 Clan Changed 2024-02-25
afex 0 ASIA062 沧澜殿 ASIA062 沧澜殿三会 Clan Changed 2024-01-24
afex 0 ASIA062 沧澜殿三会 ASIA062 沧澜殿 Clan Changed 2024-01-08
afex 0 ASIA062 Øbsidian ASIA062 沧澜殿三会 Clan Changed 2023-11-15