
6LegSPIRITs (在线)

Power: 259949

Job: Arbalist

Alliance: None

Region: SA1

Server: SA034

Clan: T H C

Home: None

Merit: None

Battle days: None

Battle days rank: None

Alliance merit rank: None

Alliance power rank: None

Total power rank: 20601

Job power rank: 8412

Server stay records

Name Region Server Status Clan Stay time Merit gained Date
6LegSPIRITs SA1 SA034 和平 T H C 97 0.0 2024-10-04
6LegSPIRITs SA2 SA083 和平 - 5 0.0 2024-09-29
6LegSPIRITs EU1 EU043 激战 名门 CHIBATA 56 0.0 2024-08-04
6LegSPIRITs ASIA1 ASIA021 战争 - 7 0.0 2024-07-28
6LegSPIRITs ASIA3 ASIA312 和平 China朱雀阁 43 0.0 2024-06-15

Status records

Name Power Old Server Old Clan New Server New Clan Change type Date
6LegSPIRITs 227053 SA034 The House 地球 SA034 T H C Clan Changed 2024-11-09
6LegSPIRITs 225307 SA034 T H C SA034 The House 地球 Clan Changed 2024-11-05
6LegSPIRITs 227052 SA083 The Lyons I SA034 T H C Server Transfer 2024-10-04
6LegSPIRITs 259949 SA083 - SA083 The Lyons I Clan Changed 2024-10-02
6LegSPIRITs 256035 EU043 - SA083 - Server Transfer 2024-09-29
6LegSPIRITs 224473 EU043 LeafRag EU043 - Clan Changed 2024-09-22
6LegSPIRITs 233123 EU043 - EU043 LeafRag Clan Changed 2024-09-17
6LegSPIRITs 236007 EU043 名门 CHIBATA EU043 - Clan Changed 2024-09-15
6LegSPIRITs 0 ASIA021 - EU043 名门 CHIBATA Server Transfer 2024-08-04
6LegSPIRITs 0 ASIA312 メⒹⓎⓈⓉⓄⓅⒾⒶ ASIA021 - Server Transfer 2024-07-28
6LegSPIRITs 0 ASIA312 - ASIA312 メⒹⓎⓈⓉⓄⓅⒾⒶ Clan Changed 2024-07-08
6LegSPIRITs 0 ASIA312 メCANCERUS ASIA312 - Clan Changed 2024-07-07
6LegSPIRITs 0 ASIA312 - ASIA312 メCANCERUS Clan Changed 2024-06-17
6LegSPIRITs 0 ASIA312 China朱雀阁 ASIA312 - Clan Changed 2024-06-16
6LegSPIRITs 0 - - ASIA312 China朱雀阁 new 2024-06-15